Welcome to "The Perfect Warrior"

The only fanlisting for "The Kurgan" from Highlander listed at the Fanlistings.org in the Characters: Book/Movie category.

If you are a fan please consider joining this fanlisting, you also may grab a banner and include it in your website(s) showing that you are a fan. Otherwise feel free to enjoy the extras or sent in some fan goodies yourself.


This fanlisting was last updated 02nd June 2024 and has a total of 30 members from 12 countries with 0 waiting for approval.

About 0 fans per day have joined since the fanlisting was opened on the 8th April 2007.

The fanlisting is maintained by Barbayat with the aid of Enthusiast, PHPCodeSort 1.6 and other sources.


 Highlander: Kronos  Highlander: Methos


29th January 2023
Moved the fanlisting and re-added all the buttons. Still, some of the extra section could use some more love.